What is the Tutoring & Scholarship Program? The SDSU CNSA Tutoring & Scholarship Program is a tutoring program powered by nursing students for nursing students. This symbiotic program promotes professional and leadership development in our more advanced students while academically and emotionally supporting the incoming nursing freshman. Junior and senior nursing students apply at the beginning of each semester for the chance to tutor freshman nursing students in the sciences and earn an academic scholarship, cord points, and a portfolio certificate. The freshman nursing students are each allotted 4 tutoring sessions per semester free of charge to the student to help them succeed in their classes.
How are tutors selected? Tutors apply via the application, found below, at the beginning of each semester. Then, a select number of applicants are contacted for an interview. Finally, CNSA Board members and SON faculty members together select between four and six tutors to participate in the program for the semester. Tutors are selected based on their academic record, extracurricular activities, work experience, and interview. We are looking for applicants that show a history of academic excellence, outstanding communication skills, strong leadership qualities, and a friendly and personable demeanor. While prior teaching and mentoring experience is preferred, we are open to any applicant with a passion for education. In the Fall, we look for Microbiology and Organic Chemistry tutors. In the Spring, we look for Anatomy tutors.
What is required of the tutors? Tutors are expected to provide a minimum of 6 hours of availability per week and complete any appointments scheduled with a maximum of 70 completed appointments per semester. Additionally, each tutor is required to participate in three study halls each semester. All tutors will receive cords points and a nursing portfolio certificate upon completion of the program; however, the scholarship amount is based on how many appointments the tutor completes. In other words, the scholarship is on a “sliding scale.”
How do I schedule an appointment with a tutor? Once the tutors have been selected, freshman nursing students can book appointments with the tutors through the online appointment booking system, found here. Appointments are first come first serve and can be booked several weeks in advance. Please be aware that two cancellations within 48 hours of the appointment and/or no shows result in the loss of tutoring privileges.
How do I donate to the program? Fundraisers and donations currently fund the Tutoring & Scholarship Program, although we are working on getting support from the university. Thus, as a non-profit student lead organization, we are always appreciative of donations to our program. Please contact Bizzy Driscoll if you are interested in donating!
Who do I contact with any questions about the Tutoring & Scholarship Program? Please direct any questions to the SDSU CNSA President, Bizzy Driscoll.
Booking Policy:
The SDSU CNSA Tutoring & Scholarship Program starts at the beginning of each semester. We have wonderful tutors in Anatomy this semester to help you succeed. All freshman are welcome and encouraged to participate in this program, no need to sign up or register. You can start making appointments now! Here are some guidelines for the program:
Every freshman can receive up to 4 tutoring appointments per semester total. Tutoring is 100% FREE for the student!!!
Each appointment is 1 hour long and all appointments will be held on SDSU campus.
You can make appointments with the tutors up to 1 month in advance and no less than 2 days in advance.
Tutoring is first come, first serve. If you have an exam coming up, be sure to book an appointment ahead of time because, remember, all your fellow freshman have an exam coming up, too. Also, if a tutor is completely booked, be sure to check the availability of the other tutors.
There will be no tutoring the week of Spring Break and the last week of classes.
Cancellations less than 2 days ahead of time and “no shows” (showing up more than 15 min late or not showing up at all) count toward your 4 tutoring appointments. If this happens a second time, you are removed from the program and are no longer able to make appointments.
When booking an appointment, enter the topics you would like to discuss with the tutor under "Topic of Appt" (ex: gram neg vs gram pos, protons & electrons). This will make more sense when you book the appointment.
Check out the tutor profiles to see which tutor most closely meets your needs.
Interested in Becoming a Tutor?
Thank you for your interest in becoming a tutor! The application to become an Anatomy tutor for Spring 2015 is now closed. Please be aware of the various dates associated with the application process and the requirements for becoming a tutor. Questions? Email Elissa Moore at [email protected].
Spring 2015 Anatomy Tutor Application - Important Dates:
Sat, January 17th - Application opens
Sat, January 31st - Application closes
Sun-Tues, February 1-3 - Interviews
Fri, February 6 - Applicants notified
Wed, February 11 at 7:30pm - Mandatory meeting with selected tutors
Mon, February 16th - Tutoring begins
To become a tutor, you must meet the following requirements:
Minimum 3.0 GPA
Junior or Senior nursing student in good academic standing
Received an A or B in the class interested in tutoring
Preferred: tutoring or teaching experience
Spring 2015 Tutor & Scholarship Program Evaluations
Thank you for your participation in the Fall 2014 Tutoring & Scholarship Program. To make this program the best it can be, we ask participants to complete tutor and program evaluations. The tutor evaluations give the tutors important feedback for their own learning experiences and the program evaluations help us keep aspects of the program that are working well and change those that aren't working. If you are a freshman that participated in the Tutoring & Scholarship Program this semester, please complete an evaluation below.
"Learning is finding out what we already know. Doing is demonstrating that you know it. Teaching is reminding others that they know just as well as you. You are all learners, doers, and teachers." ~ Richard Bach