SDSU SON has made getting a name badge easier. You can now have your badge made on campus!
Step 1: Sign in with your SDSU email and fill out a badge request form from the School of Nursing (SON) page on Canvas. This must be done before visiting the card office!
Step 2: Visit Student Account Services (Student Services West Building, Room 2536) and purchase a nursing name badge. Make sure you specifically tell them you want to purchase a NURSING name badge. The badge will cost you $18. Hang on to your receipt, you will need it for step 3.
Step 3: Visit the SDSUcard Office (Student Services West Building, Room 2620) with your receipt and a valid U.S. Government-issued ID card (passport, driver’s license, state ID, military ID, etc.) to have your picture taken and have your new badge made. * Note that a picture will be taken at this time. ONLY with the receipt and your U.S. Government-issued ID will a new nursing badge be issued.
SDSUcard Office Contact: 619-594-5650 Business hours: 8:30am - 4:00pm while SDSU campus is open Location: Student Services West - Room 2620
Student Account Services Contact: 619-594-5253 Business hours: 9:00am - 3:30pm while SDSU campus is open Location: Student Services West - Room 2536