Hello everyone, my name is Nina Go and I am running to be the 2023-2024 SNA President! Being on the SNA Board of Directors these past two years as the current Vice President and the 2021-2022 Communications Director has not only helped me grow personally in my leadership abilities, communication skills, event planning abilities, and overall confidence, but it has also helped me realize areas of growth for SNA. I am very passionate about enacting positive and lasting change in SNA so that this organization can improve for this next year and become the best it can be, and I believe the President position will provide me with a platform with lots of flexibility and freedom where I can do just that. Some goals I have for this upcoming year are: foster a stronger sense of community among the nursing student body by incorporating more interactive portions during meetings and more social events throughout the year, making sure student voices are heard during faculty and undergraduate planning curriculum meetings, and putting on more professional development events to ensure our members are growing and learning outside of the classroom environment! Thank you for reading, and I hope you all GO out and vote Nina GO for President! |
Hi guys! My name is Bella Rodriguez, I am currently a track 1 junior here at SDSU and am the 2022-2023 Breakthrough to Nursing Co-Director. This past year has been full of amazing experiences! It has been extremely fulfilling watching young students learn of a new passion for nursing through our committee's influence. I would be extremely grateful to continue to have the opportunity to reach many diverse communities and introduce the possibility of a future nursing career! Outside of BTN, I wish of becoming a pediatric nurse and spend most of my free time going to concerts and roller skating ;) |
Greetings! My name is Eric Trus (he/him) and I am a born and raised San Diegan. I have assisted with BTN presentations since Fall 2020, and have coordinated a few myself as a committee member. I also teach Medical Spanish and have a passion for spreading the awareness of what nursing is to high school and community college students. |
Hi Everyone! My name is Nathan Nguyen and I am currently a First-Year Nursing Student in Track 1 and I am hoping to be one of your Breakthrough to Nursing Director for the 2023-2024 school year! My experience in BTN has been so memorable and I want to give back by serving as the director of this committee. Although I am a new leader in SNA, I have plenty of leadership experience as the Vice President of the Chapultepec Hall Council and as a Project Manager for SDSU Press’ literary journal, the Pacific Review. I know that I will do a great job by providing you all with as many opportunities and events as possible. A vote for Nathan is a vote that won’t go to waste. |
Hello, my name is Damien Martinez and I am a Track 1 Freshman from Upland, CA! I am currently involved in numerous on-campus organizations that have further advanced my leadership development - this includes serving as an SDSU Ambassador, Desk Assistant/Security Monitor, and the Hall Council Nursing Floor Representative. I am beyond excited to potentially serve everyone as one of the Co-Fundraising Directors as I have previous experience within the process of creating new amazing merch ideas and establishing exciting fundraisers for organizations. Throughout the next term, I plan on working with my Co-Fundraising Director to continue creating amazing merch for members to proudly represent SDSU SNA. Thank you so much for reading my brief little description and I cannot wait to potentially see what is in store for SNA over the next year! <3 |
Hi everyone! My name is Sam Sim! First off, I would just like to say that I am so excited for this opportunity to be running as a co-director of fundraising. I love SNA and all the different programs and resources that they provide, which is why I would love to be part of the SNA board next year! I have had lots of experience in leadership roles in the past as well as fundraising throughout the past years. I have also loved designing and drawing my whole life, so I am very excited for the opportunity to be involved with merchandise designing for fundraising! |
Hello, I'm Emily Pehl and I am a track 1 freshmen! I am extremely passionate about advocating and spreading awareness about health issues and am thankful to have had opportunities to do so in the past. I was a member of the recruitment committee for Solano County's Walk To End Alzheimers, as a member I raised awareness for Alzheimers around my community and assisted in coordinating and running the event. I have also had the opportunity to successfully use my fundraising and leadership skills as a link crew leader at my high school, where I was placed in charge of running a car wash fundraiser for my school and managed to successfully coordinate the event. Through these opportunities, I have gained the proper experience to be a community health director for SNA! |
Hi everyone, I'm Arushi Kalam and I'm a Track 2 freshman! I've had experience of working on a fundraising team for two years and have helped advocate for UNICEF campaigns for MNT (maternal and neonatal tetanus) for over three years. Through this I realized that I'm passionate about educating and advocating for overlooked issues in our community. I look forward to meeting more of you through upcoming SNA events and thank you for taking the time to learn about me :) |
T-racy is currently the RA for the nursing floor, a TA for 206 L, a student leader for the APIDA Affinity group, and a passionate SNA Member. R-egarding qualifications, Tracy is great at time management and has extensive knowledge of the nursing program from her experience juggling different extracurriculars while being a full-time nursing student. A-lways happy to make new connections with people, Tracy is a great candidate for the M&M position due to her passion for building relationships and her network due to her RA position. C-ontributing back to her nursing community is very important for Tracy because she’s been supported by SNA for the past 6 semesters and she hopes to give back through the M&M role. Y-our vote will be greatly appreciated <3 |
Hey guys my name is Fion Lee and I am currently the cohort representative for Track 1 juniors. I am running for the membership and mentorship position because I truly believe that SNA has given me the opportunity to not only grow my academic and leadership skills but also facilitate my personal growth in becoming the best nurse. I want to share my experiences, and am eager to recruit those who are not currently in SNA. In my role as mentorship, I myself have had the opportunity to have three mentees, to which I offer guidance and emotional support for their academic nursing careers, and share my experience and information on how to successfully thrive academically through connecting them to other nursing resources on campus. I believe that the mentorship program encouraged me to challenge myself as a student, and want others who are struggling as well to receive the guidance of other nursing students. |